"Mommy & Daddy"
SPROUTS ages 2-6. Mommy & Daddy's love created you!
Use this lesson as it fits for your family! Spend a cozy Saturday morning in discussion together using the whole lesson or use parts of this lesson for several conversations throughout the month! There are so many activities to apply and experience the lesson together. You're the parent and know your child best- enjoy making it your own!
My child will understand the concept of Mommy and Daddy coming together to create love and a baby!
CRAFT: construction paper, coloring tools, stapler
SENSORY ACTIVITY: play dough, play dough tools or every day objects
Read these scriptures together. Idea: use one as a memory verse!
“A baby is the love of a husband and wife itself.”
-Rev. Sun Myung Moon
“Sons and daughters are the realized body, the body in which the parental love is invested. They are the extended body of the life of their parents and the actualized body of the ideal of their parents.”
- Rev. Sun Myung Moon
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
-Psalm 139:13-14
PLAY DOUGH: Use play dough to make sculptures of Mommy, Daddy and child. Optionally, add in other siblings or pets and various props.
A long time ago, Mommy and Daddy met and fell in love. They got blessed in marriage and were in love for a long time. They loved each other so much that their love created you! You are their pride and joy and you make them so happy! You also make God so happy!
Find a cozy spot and read this script to your child like a story time.
Make it stand out
Mommies and Daddies all over the world love each other and love their children. Do you ever wonder where you came from? Do you remember when you were a baby? How did Mommy and Daddy get you? Did we buy you from a store? No!
Mommy and Daddy were little children once upon a time, just like you. We grew and grew into grown ups. Mommy patiently waited for God to bring her a prince and Daddy patiently waited for God to bring him his princess. One day when the timing was right, God brought us together! Mommy became Daddy's princess and Daddy became her prince. We loved each other with true love, and we decided to get blessed in marriage; to commit to loving each other and raising a loving family together. We were so thankful to God, and we prayed long and hard. We talked about how much we loved God and loved each other, and how much we wanted to be able to share our love with a child.
Make it stand out
We had a very special time together when we shared our love by giving hugs and kisses, cuddling and having good, happy feelings together. Daddy put a special seed in Mommy, and from that seed, YOU started to grow! During this very special time between Mommy and Daddy, God put you in Mommy’s belly! You had parts of Mommy and parts of Daddy. You were a perfect mixture of us. You grew in Mommy’s belly for 9 months. She could feel your feet kick and your heart beat. And do you know what? YOU could hear her voice sing to you and talk to you, and you could hear HER heart beat! When you were born, we were so excited to finally meet you!
How does it make you feel to know that Mommy and Daddy’s love created you?Are you excited to someday grow up and get married just like Mommy and Daddy?
What does true love mean to you?
How can you tell Mommy and Daddy love each other?
How do Mommy and Daddy show you they love you?
How have you grown since you were a baby?
Mommy and Daddy love each other and care for each other very much. We spent special time together putting our deepest, most beautiful love together to create you- our precious baby!
Dear God, I am so happy that my Mommy and Daddy love each other so much. They love each other so much that they decided to put their love together and make me! They keep me safe and protected and happy. I’m grateful for how much they care for and love me. I feel your love for me, God, through my parents’ love for me.
Use these activities together with your child over the next month to create ongoing conversations about Mommy and Daddy!
STORYTIME: "God Gave Us You" by: School of Love
SONG: "I Love You Mom and Dad" by Juny & Tony
"Where Do Babies Come From?: Our First Talk About Birth" by Jillian Roberts
OUTING: Visit a farm or petting zoo together and observe, pet, or play with some baby animals! Some great options for little ones are baby ducks (“ducklings”), baby chickens (“chicks”), and baby sheep (“lambs”). Discuss with children how these baby animals came into being through their parents’ love, just like them!
PLAY HOUSE: Role play, dress up, make a fort, be creative and have fun being a kid again with your child!
BABY PHOTOS: Look through your child’s baby moments together. Share photos from when they were in your belly and as a baby. Talk about the special little moments.
BOOK: Compile a “Mommy and Daddy” book. Draw and color pictures together (or print and glue in real photos) of how Mommy and Daddy met, fell in love, got married, and had a baby! When all pictures are finished, staple the pages together.
HEARTS: Decorate play dough hearts, paper hearts or bake heart cookies. Talk about how we share love with our hearts.
Puzzle: Assemble a favorite puzzle together!