"My Body Is a temple"
KIDS ages 6-11. What does it mean to live a life of integrity? Kids will learn about their most holy place- the penis or vagina- and how to treat their body as a temple of God.
Take a moment to prepare yourself before sitting down together with your child. Pre-read the lesson, pray and reflect on the outcomes you wish to achieve. You may want to divide this lesson into two or even spread it out over several conversations. **Make sure to check out all the awesome links and resources at the bottom of the lesson!
**In this lesson children will learn more about their sexual organ. You as the parent can navigate whether you only want your child to learn about his or her private part or also the part of the opposite gender. We recommend that at some point children learn about both.
Each child develops differently. This lesson is for Kids 6-11. Feel free to use the lesson that best fits your child’s needs! *For a more introductory lesson click here
My child will learn more about his or her sexual organ- the penis or vagina and how to live a life of integrity; treating our body as holy and a temple of God.
A cozy spot to share together
This lesson
Pen and paper.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
- Matthew 5.8
There are two kinds of sexual organs: male and female... Why were we given sexual organs? Because of Life, Love, Lineage and Conscience. Without going through that particular organ we cannot expect to have Life, Love, Lineage and Conscience.
- Sun Myung Moon
Though one should conquer a million men on the battlefield, yet he, indeed, is the noblest victor who has conquered himself.
- Dhammapada 103
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.”
- 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Choose 1:
DRAW: A boy and a girl. Pair Share: Why do you think God created male and female? How are they similar? How are they complementary? What differentiates boys from girls? (discuss together and add notes to your drawing.)
WATCH: one of our SOL videos relevant to this lesson linked below.
God had a very clear and beautiful purpose in mind when he created us male and female. In some ways we are similar in many ways we are almost like a different species! Lol. We all know that there’s one very clear thing that differentiates boys from girls. We may get shy, giggly or embarrassed to talk about it- because it’s an area on our body we hide and keep to ourselves. But it’s God’s natural design for our bodies and lives!
So today we will talk more about the penis (for boys) and the vagina (for girls). We will learn why they are important and how to treat our bodies as a temple of God.
Did you know that your private parts are very holy and special? They will serve a special role one day in your future marriage and in the creation of new life- babies! Let’s learn some more about them. God gave us everything we need and some of it is inside of us where we can’t see it and some of it is outside. Feel free to look at appropriate diagrams for a visual:
Use these questions to dig deeper or stimulate additional ongoing conversations:
How are you feeling?
What is something new you learned today?
Why did God create male and female so differently?
What is God’s plan for your body?
What does it mean to treat my body like a temple of God? Why do you think it’s important?
Do you have any questions about your private part?
What are ways we can respect and protect our own bodies? And respect others?
What questions do you have?
Dear God our loving parent, thank you for creating us out of love. You put so much thought, creativity and heart into every detail of your beautiful creation- us. Thank you for making us in your image male and female and giving us our very holy private parts. Help us to respect and protect our body and treat it as a temple of God. We love you and thank you for making our bodies so special!
Use these activities together with your child today and over the next month to create ongoing conversations. Click on the links:
**Note- Your child will most likely go to a Sex Ed field trip in Elementary School and attend Sexual Education Health classes later on during Jr. High & High School. Or they’ll hear about it from friends with elder siblings or relatives that may be knowledgeable about this or be exposed to sex from media. The age of children being exposed is getting younger and younger. Why not be your child’s first teacher on sexual education? It’s so important to be more aware so that you can be your child’s first teacher or at least catch it before they get too much erroneous information. Although your parents may not have done this with you- we encourage you to do your best to let go of the “awkward” and dig into learning together with your child so you can be the one to answer their questions! And present their penis or vagina in a God centered way. You’ve already gotten through most of the lesson! Use the resources below to continue learning. You’ve got this!
SOL Animation- Sexual Integrity (recommended for children who know what sex is)
Human Physiology - Functional Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System by Janux
Playdoh: Make a 3D diagram of the male and/or female reproductive organ and talk about the different parts. (Explain that this activity should only be done during this lesson with the parent)
Creative Writing
Diagram: (Parent- find an appropriate image to use as a reference beforehand.) Have your child draw and label the different parts in their School of Love Journal.
Create a parent & child journal. Where the child can express without judgment their feelings and the parents can respond. Sometimes, it is easier and less confrontational to express oneself in writing.
Museum: Visit a local science museum in person or virtually. Discover & learn about the human body together.
Go shopping: Pick an outfit together that makes your child feel beautiful while being age appropriate and respecting their body. Teach them how to physically care for their body and give a gift.
Care Kit: Gift your child a care kit for them to take care of their body including face soap, body soap, lotion, sponge, a facemask, hair brush etc. It’s important to take care of our body and treat it like a temple of God.
Parent Blog on “Sexual Integrity” coming soon